Using the Listing Tool
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Last updated
Bin Flat Files and optimise your listings at lightening speed with our proprietary API listing upload tool
Access the "Listings" tool from the left sidebar menu.
Click "Download Template" to download our Basic or Advanced CSV upload files.
(advanced file coming soon)
Add your SKU and ASIN to this file and then update any fields that you want to update on Amazon. Any fields that you leave blank will not be changed as we use the "Partial Upload" method.
Once complete, save the file as a CSV and click "Upload New File" on Hacuna.
Select the correct brand, account and marketplace, choose your file and click upload.
If there are any errors in the file or incompatability with Amazon rules (e.g titles that are too long) you will be alerted via a red alert on your screen.
Otherwise, the file will be uploaded and appear in your Upload History
Successful uploads wil be marked as "Complete" status. Failed uploads will be marked as "Failed".
For Failed uploads, you will recieve an email error report highighting anything that failed. This report will highlight which fields were successful and which failed
The Products count will show how many succeeded vs failed
In the case of failure, Hacuna will try re-uploading every 12 hours for 48 hours. After this, you will be alerted.
Unlike Flat Files, Hacuna also references the live product page to check for success - so even if the change reflects in the backend or is processed with no errors; we will still identify when the listing doesn't appear correct on the listing page.